
Saúde Pública

Livros de Saúde Pública


Gestão em Saúde: Guia Prático para Reconstruir o Futuro

Livro Gestão em Saúde: Guia Prático para Reconstruir o Futuro de QUINAN, GUANABARA
€53,00 Iva incluído €47,70 Iva incluído

Global Child Health: A Toolkit to Address Health Disparities

Livro Global Child Health: A Toolkit to Address Health Disparities de SUBRAHMANIAN, SPRINGER
€55,11 Iva incluído €49,60 Iva incluído

Global Climate Change, Population Displacement, and Public Health: The Next Wave of Migration

Livro Global Climate Change, Population Displacement, and Public Health: The Next Wave of Migration de PALINKAS, SPRINGER
€100,31 Iva incluído €90,28 Iva incluído

Global Health and Volunteering Beyond Borders: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals

Livro Global Health and Volunteering Beyond Borders: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals de OLIVIER, SPRINGER
€56,70 Iva incluído €51,03 Iva incluído

Global Health Priority-Setting: Beyond Cost-Effectiveness

Livro Global Health Priority-Setting: Beyond Cost-Effectiveness de NORHEIM, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
€56,98 Iva incluído €51,28 Iva incluído

Global Health Studies: A Social Determinants Perspective

Livro Global Health Studies: A Social Determinants Perspective de WARWICK-BOOTH, WILEY-BLACKWELL
€23,32 Iva incluído €20,99 Iva incluído

Global Health: Issues, Challenges and Global Action

Livro Global Health: Issues, Challenges and Global Action de ARMSTRONG-MENSAH, WILEY-BLACKWELL
€49,82 Iva incluído €44,84 Iva incluído

Global Perspectives on Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health Across the Lifecourse

Livro Global Perspectives on Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health Across the Lifecourse de CH0UDHURY, SPRINGER
€136,09 Iva incluído €122,48 Iva incluído

Gordis - Epidemiología

Livro Gordis - Epidemiología de CELENTANO, ELSEVIER-ESP
€53,00 Iva incluído €47,70 Iva incluído

Gordis Epidemiology

Livro Gordis Epidemiology de CELENGTANO, ELSEVIER-UK
€47,69 Iva incluído €42,92 Iva incluído

Gordis Epidemiology

Livro Gordis Epidemiology de Celentano , ELSEVIER
€51,94 Iva incluído €46,75 Iva incluído

Governing for Health: Advancing Health and Equity through Policy and Advocacy

Livro Governing for Health: Advancing Health and Equity through Policy and Advocacy de BAUM, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
€47,70 Iva incluído €42,93 Iva incluído

Health Communication: Theoretical and Critical Perspectives

Livro Health Communication: Theoretical and Critical Perspectives de CROSS, WILEY-BLACKWELL
€22,26 Iva incluído €20,03 Iva incluído

Health Impacts of Developmental Exposure to Environmental Chemicals

Livro Health Impacts of Developmental Exposure to Environmental Chemicals de KISHI, SPRINGER
€165,35 Iva incluído €148,81 Iva incluído

Health in Humanitarian Emergencies: Principles and Practice for Public Health and Healthcare Practitioners

Livro Health in Humanitarian Emergencies: Principles and Practice for Public Health and Healthcare Practitioners de TOWNES, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS
€111,30 Iva incluído €100,17 Iva incluído


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