
Medicina Tropical

Livros de Medicina Tropical


CDC Yellow Book 2020: Health Information for International Travel

Livro CDC Yellow Book 2020: Health Information for International Travel de BRUNETTE, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
€51,68 Iva incluído €46,51 Iva incluído

Clinical Cases in Tropical Medicine

Livro Clinical Cases in Tropical Medicine de ROTHE, ELSEVIER-UK
€87,97 Iva incluído €79,17 Iva incluído

Essentials of Global Health

Livro Essentials of Global Health de SETHIA, ELSEVIER-UK
€25,43 Iva incluído €22,89 Iva incluído

Forgotten People, Forgotten Diseases: The Neglected Tropical Diseases and Their Impact on Global Health and Development

Livro Forgotten People, Forgotten Diseases: The Neglected Tropical Diseases and Their Impact on Global Health and Development de HOTEZ, ASM PRESS
€39,22 Iva incluído €35,30 Iva incluído

Guidelines for the Treatment of Malaria

Livro Guidelines for the Treatment of Malaria de WHO, WHO
€65,72 Iva incluído €52,58 Iva incluído

Hunter's Tropical Medicine Emerging Infectious Diseases

Livro Hunter's Tropical Medicine Emerging Infectious Diseases de RYAN, ELSEVIER-UK
€190,79 Iva incluído €171,71 Iva incluído

Manson's Tropical Diseases

Livro Manson's Tropical Diseases de FERRAR, SAUNDERS
€210,93 Iva incluído €189,84 Iva incluído

Neglected Tropical Diseases: Drug Discovery and Development

Livro Neglected Tropical Diseases: Drug Discovery and Development de SWINNEY, WILEY-BLACKWELL
€150,52 Iva incluído €135,47 Iva incluído

Oxford Handbook of Expedition and Wilderness Medicine

Livro Oxford Handbook of Expedition and Wilderness Medicine de JOHNSON, OXFORD UNNIVRSITY PRESS
€41,34 Iva incluído €37,21 Iva incluído

Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine

Livro Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine de EDDLESTON, OXFORD UNIVRSITY PRESS
€47,70 Iva incluído €42,93 Iva incluído

Peters' Atlas of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology

Livro Peters' Atlas of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology de NABARRO, ELSEVIER-UK
€121,89 Iva incluído €109,70 Iva incluído

Revolutionizing Tropical Medicine: Point-of-Care Tests, New Imaging Technologies and Digital Health

Livro Revolutionizing Tropical Medicine: Point-of-Care Tests, New Imaging Technologies and Digital Health de ATKINSON, WILEY-BLACKWELL
€212,00 Iva incluído €190,80 Iva incluído

Sepsis Management in Resource-Limited Settings

Livro Sepsis Management in Resource-Limited Settings de DONDORP, SPRINGER
€55,11 Iva incluído €49,60 Iva incluído

The Leishmaniases: Old Neglected Tropical Diseases

Livro The Leishmaniases: Old Neglected Tropical Diseases de BRUSCHI, SPRINGER
€192,80 Iva incluído €173,52 Iva incluído

The Travel and Tropical Medicine Manual

Livro The Travel and Tropical Medicine Manual de SANFORD, ELSEVIER-UK
€71,01 Iva incluído €63,91 Iva incluído


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