
Geriatria e Gerontologia

Livros de Geriatria e Gerontologia


A Comprehensive Guide to Rehabilitation of the Older Patient

Livro A Comprehensive Guide to Rehabilitation of the Older Patient de O'HANLON, ELSEVIER-UK
€68,89 Iva incluído €62,00 Iva incluído

A Guide to Aging and Well-Being for Healthcare Professionals: Psychological Perspectives

Livro A Guide to Aging and Well-Being for Healthcare Professionals: Psychological Perspectives de BRIER, ROUTLEDGE
€34,98 Iva incluído €31,48 Iva incluído

A Idade Não Perdoa - O Idoso à Luz da Neurologia Gerontológica

Livro A Idade Não Perdoa - O Idoso à Luz da Neurologia Gerontológica de ALMEIDA, CLIMEPSI
€18,00 Iva incluído €16,20 Iva incluído

Acetabular Fractures in Older Patients: Assessment and Management

Livro Acetabular Fractures in Older Patients: Assessment and Management de MANSON, SPRINGER
€132,28 Iva incluído €119,05 Iva incluído

Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Certification Review

Livro Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Certification Review de BEAVERS-KIRBY, ELSEVIER-UK
€73,13 Iva incluído €65,82 Iva incluído

Adultos-Idosos Dependentes ou Especialmente Vulneráveis Tomo I

Livro Adultos-Idosos Dependentes ou Especialmente Vulneráveis Tomo I de ALBUQUERQUE, INCM
€22,00 Iva incluído €17,60 Iva incluído

Adultos-Idosos Dependentes ou Especialmente Vulneráveis Tomo II

Livro Adultos-Idosos Dependentes ou Especialmente Vulneráveis Tomo II de ALBUQUERQUE, INCM
€35,00 Iva incluído €28,00 Iva incluído

Against‐Medical‐Advice Discharges from the Hospital: Optimizing Prevention and Management to Promote High Quality, Patient-Centered Care

Livro Against‐Medical‐Advice Discharges from the Hospital: Optimizing Prevention and Management to Promote High Quality, Patient-Centered Care de ALFANDRE, SPRINGER
€124,75 Iva incluído €112,28 Iva incluído

Ageing Identities and Women's Everyday Talk in a Hair Salon

Livro Ageing Identities and Women's Everyday Talk in a Hair Salon de HEINRICHSMEIER, ROUTLEDGE
€143,10 Iva incluído €128,79 Iva incluído

Aging and Aging-Related Diseases: Mechanisms and Interventions

Livro Aging and Aging-Related Diseases: Mechanisms and Interventions de WANG, SPRINGER
€126,77 Iva incluído €114,09 Iva incluído

Aging and Developmental Disability: Current Research, Programming, and Practice Implications

Livro Aging and Developmental Disability: Current Research, Programming, and Practice Implications de HAMMEL, ROUTLEDGE
€31,80 Iva incluído €28,62 Iva incluído

Aging Research - Methodological Issues

Livro Aging Research - Methodological Issues de PENA, SPRINGER
€121,25 Iva incluído €109,13 Iva incluído

Aging Well: Solutions to the Most Pressing Global Challenges of Aging

Livro Aging Well: Solutions to the Most Pressing Global Challenges of Aging de GALIANA, SPRINGER
€55,11 Iva incluído €49,60 Iva incluído

An Extraordinary Journey: What matters at the end of life

Livro An Extraordinary Journey: What matters at the end of life de OH, ELSEVIER-UK
€24,37 Iva incluído €21,93 Iva incluído

Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet in the Elderly Patient

Livro Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet in the Elderly Patient de CAPURSO, SPRINGER
€187,40 Iva incluído €168,66 Iva incluído


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