

Books of Otorhinolaryngology

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Book 1000 Perguntas e Respostas em Otorrinolaringologia

Book 1000 Perguntas e Respostas em Otorrinolaringologia
€59.62 incl tax €47.70 incl tax

Book Abc Ouvidos Nariz Garganta: Guia Para Pais

Book Abc Ouvidos Nariz Garganta: Guia Para Pais
€15.40 incl tax €12.32 incl tax

Book Adult Audiology Casebook

Book Adult Audiology Casebook
€104.93 incl tax €94.44 incl tax

Book Advances in Vestibular Schwannoma Microneurosurgery: Improving Results with New Technologies

Book Advances in Vestibular Schwannoma Microneurosurgery: Improving Results with New Technologies
€96.40 incl tax €86.76 incl tax

Book Aesthetic Orthognathic Surgery and Rhinoplasty

Book Aesthetic Orthognathic Surgery and Rhinoplasty
€352.98 incl tax €317.68 incl tax

Book Afasia Progressiva Primária - Avanços no Diagnóstico e Intervenção

Book Afasia Progressiva Primária - Avanços no Diagnóstico e Intervenção of Cadório, PAPA-LETRAS
€12.50 incl tax €11.25 incl tax

Book Aging Voice

Book Aging Voice
€158.78 incl tax €142.90 incl tax

Book All Around the Nose: Basic Science, Diseases and Surgical Management

Book All Around the Nose: Basic Science, Diseases and Surgical Management
€226.83 incl tax €204.15 incl tax

Book Allergy and Sleep: Basic Principles and Clinical Practice

Book Allergy and Sleep: Basic Principles and Clinical Practice
€91.83 incl tax €82.65 incl tax

Book Anatomia para a Voz : Compreender e Melhorar a Dinâmica do Aparelho Vocal

Book Anatomia para a Voz : Compreender e Melhorar a Dinâmica do Aparelho Vocal of Calais-Germain, THIEME REVINTER
€63.60 incl tax €57.24 incl tax

Book Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing

Book Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing
€139.91 incl tax €125.92 incl tax

Book Assessing and Treating Dysphagia: A Lifespan Perspective

Book Assessing and Treating Dysphagia: A Lifespan Perspective
€104.93 incl tax €94.44 incl tax

Book Atlas de Laringologia

Book Atlas de Laringologia
€54.06 incl tax €43.25 incl tax

Book Atlas of Airway Surgery: A Step-by-Step Guide Using an Animal Model

Book Atlas of Airway Surgery: A Step-by-Step Guide Using an Animal Model
€17637.34 incl tax €15873.61 incl tax

Book Atlas of Cavityless Cholesteatoma Surgery Vol. 2

Book Atlas of Cavityless Cholesteatoma Surgery Vol. 2
€99.10 incl tax €79.28 incl tax
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The discounts listed on this website are valid from 31/12/2024 to 31/03/2025.